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Immunohistochemical analysis of APAF1 and cathepsinB, regulators of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in pituitary tumor progression

Other scientific contributions and papersPosters presented at scientific meetings
C. Tanase, E. Codorean, D. Arsene, C. Ardeleanu, E. Raducan, G. Spineanu, M. Tanase, M. Nicolescu, L. Albulescu, I. Ogrezeanu, V. Ciubotaru, M.L. Cruceru, M. Hinescu
Rio de Janeiro, 13th International Congress of Immunology, Abstract book, pag. 239-240, #P1334
Publication year: 2017

Étude in vitro de l’influence des mini-vis orthodontiques sur la croissance des ostéoblastes humains

Other scientific contributions and papersPosters presented at scientific meetings
A. Paun, M. I. Nicolescu, R.P. Stanciu, I. Patrascu, D. Stanciu, G. Manda
Paris, 19éme Journées de l’Orthodontie
Publication year: 2016

Do mini - implants osseointegrate? A histological study on a sheep model

Other scientific contributions and papersPosters presented at scientific meetings
A. Paun, G. Manda, R. Stanciu, I. Patrascu, D. Stanciu, M. C. Rusu, M. I. Nicolescu
Athens, 14th Panhellenic Orthodontic Congress
Publication year: 2016

Cercetarea științifică în formarea unui medic dentist

Oral presentations at scientific meetingsOther scientific contributions and papers
Nicolescu MI
București, Săptămâna Științifică, Liga Studenților la Medicină Dentară, UMF Carol Davila București (prezentare invitată)
Publication year: 2016

Capacitatea intrinsecă de regenerare a glandelor salivare

Oral presentations at scientific meetingsOther scientific contributions and papers
Nicolescu MI
București, Workshop „Abordarea interdisciplinară a pacientului cu xerostomie: perspective actuale de diagnostic și tratament”, UMF Carol Davila București (prezentare invitată)
Publication year: 2016

Medicina dentară regenerativă – între mit şi realitate

Oral presentations at scientific meetingsOther scientific contributions and papers
Nicolescu MI
București, 4th Congress of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Program, pag. 26
Publication year: 2016

Redox danger signals in rheumatoid arthritis

Oral presentations at scientific meetingsOther scientific contributions and papers
G. Manda, M. Dobre, G. Isvoranu, M.I. Nicolescu
București, Simpozion Acad. Nicolae Cajal
Publication year: 2016

From biomarkers to regeneration model – a journey inside salivary glands

Oral presentations at scientific meetingsOther scientific contributions and papers
Nicolescu MI
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7th ABSTD European Meeting - Saliva, Salivary Glands and the Dental Curriculum
Publication year: 2016

Regeneration of salivary glands – from in vitro to in vivo models.

Abstracts published in volumes of scientific meetingsOther scientific contributions and papers
Nicolescu MI
Stip, International Students’ Symposium of Faculty of Medical Sciences, University “Goce Delcev” Stip, Macedonia, (ISBN 978-608-244-284-6), prezentare invitată
Publication year: 2016
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